St Andrews United Methodist Church

Fayetteville, NC


Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out We reach up to God. Our relationship with God is the most important relationship we can ever have. We want to make sure that every person who is touched by this church’s ministry knows Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Once that relationship with God has been established it must be nurtured in order to grow and mature. This takes place through prayer, Bible study, Sunday school, and worship. We reach in to God’s people. When we become Christians we become members of a family. We are brothers and sister in Jesus Christ. God’s family. As part of this wonderful family we nurture and support one another. We pray for one another, when someone is sick we visit them, when someone experiences a death in their family we rally around to support them. When someone has a joyful experience, we celebrate with them. We reach out to God’s world. It is not enough for us to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We want the whole world to know Him! So we are involved in many forms of outreach including serving meals at the Salvation Army, sheltering the homeless, and making evangelistic visits in the homes of those who visit our church. In these and other ways we get His word out. We spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the community and the world.

Jobs at St Andrews United Methodist Church

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St Andrews United Methodist Church
121 Lofton Drive, Fayetteville, NC



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